LyonCTF Conclusion & Winners!

blackbox, Bit posted 3 years ago

The LyonCTF competition has ended and we now have our winners!

  • In first place we have team white_flag from Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute with 5576 points and 34 flags captured.
  • In second place we have team dropouts from William Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate Institute with 5276 points and 33 flags captured.
  • In third place we have team pringles from William Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate Institute with 3851 points and 27 flags captured.

If you are on the winning teams, you should receive an email with prizes in the next few days.

Throughout the event 71 competitors in 27 different teams from 9 different schools attempted the 39 different challenges we had created. We hope you all learned something new from these challenges and the 5 lessons we ran.

If this event has ignited your interest in cybersecurity and CTFs, we encourage you to participate in the Carnegie Mellon picoCTF 2022 happening in March!

Also we would like to thank the Educational Computing Organization of Ontario for their support and stay tuned for LyonHacks, a hackathon run by MCPT and ECOO coming soon!


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