LyonCTF Practice Contest

cheollie, areuie, skyflaren posted 2 years, 10 months ago

A quick reminder to register for LyonCTF before the event on Feb 18-21!

Don’t worry if you haven't done a CTF before, as there’ll be beginner workshops during the event. LyonCTF is open to all Ontario middle and high school students (not WLMAC exclusive) who are aged 13-18, so be sure to register yourself and bring along anyone else who qualifies! ..aand if that doesn’t convince you enough, there will also be $250 in prizes. Read more and register here

To help familiarise yourself with the website and learn about the CTF categories, there will also be a practice contest on Fri, Feb 11 @ 6pm to Sun, Feb 13 @ 6pm.

lyonctf practice contest banner


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