Missed Call

Help! Tony is panicking! His girlfriend (of two days) has failed to respond to his text messages and calls.

After three days with no response, Tony takes matters into his own hands. After 30 minutes of analysing, he concludes that he probably got ghosted via text (she is very busy!). During this time, he also realized that he made his calls using his cable telephone, which was probably the source of the problems.

Upon further examination, Tony concludes that the error lies in his telephone, but he can’t seem to pinpoint exactly what the problem is. Worried, he sends a picture of his telephone to you to see if you can solve the problem. Since Tony has no faith in your computer abilities, he also provides a wikipedia link for you to refer to.

  • Telephone.png
    • SHA256 checksum: 709ad2665ae0fc444e6486b08f55a730fef079048999d6331184769e068b9e83
  • wiki_link.txt
    • SHA256 checksum: 5fca34b75b903913ebfb3e21d87a3dc6fed91c80f0665ecc18777a5c39daa4d5

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