WxMCTF '24 Crypto 2 - Common Faults

lostcactus has a gold vault, but is faulty, so to protect his gold, he encrypted the password with RSA. lostcactus, a fond fan of Euler, generated a list of public keys, until it contained 271828, the first 6 digits of Euler's number. Unfortunatly for lostcactus, just like his vault, his key generator is also faulty, having a COMMON issue with his vault. Help him find his password again.

  • ciphertext
    • SHA256 checksum: a0de2c24e5255509edaeee39a7c294c40ff49ea9c76bfdd23d1c74fab022e7cd
  • past_keys
    • SHA256 checksum: 183af0bc1e141bf540e3ed5d4a3af1519a1ddcf5cffa95bf1405b674d5c8170f

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