WxMCTF '24 Rev 5 - [Womp Womp]

A minor fix has been added to stage 1

Only certain BrainF interpreters work correctly for the provided BrainF code. Modifications have been added to Stage 2.

**A site that can run the bf provided: ** https://rextester.com/l/brainfuck_online_compiler

"In the unfathomable abyss of the ethereal labyrinth, cloaked in the velvet shroud of enigma, a riddle lies in wait, craving the kiss of revelation. Step boldly into the tangled web of shadows, where whispers of yesteryears echo like ghostly reverberations, divulging secrets buried in the annals of antiquity. Untwine the intricate strands of fate, woven into the very tapestry of time's fabric, as you navigate the labyrinthine corridors and hidden alcoves concealing the essence of transcendence. In this fifth iteration, the elusive key to unlock the depths of mystery lies veiled beneath layers of cryptic symbols and enigmatic puzzles, a treasure obscured yet yearning to be unearthed.

Yet, take heed, for within this realm of enlightenment, a dark gauntlet awaits, its path fraught with thorns of trial and tribulation. Here, the journey to enlightenment is akin to navigating a tempestuous sea, where only the most resolute voyagers emerge unscathed, their souls tempered by the crucible of adversity. So, brave the storm, O seeker of truth, for within the shadows lies not just obscurity, but also the promise of rebirth, where the Phoenix of enlightenment awaits those who dare to soar through the abyss of uncertainty."

-ChatGPT, 2024

Good luck and have fun in this last rev challenge of WxMCTF 2024!

  • starting_info.bin
    • SHA256 checksum: 01ba0eb5045df9d09cd4090379146f166ac342c0969acdb5a2cf114d67576b18

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