Welcome to mCTF! Please register for an account, create or join a team, and try out a problem or join a contest.


WxMCTF - Write-up Contest + Updates

posted 7 months ago

And that's a wrap for this year's WxMCTF! Great job to everyone who participated, we hope you all had fun and learned something new :D We'll be announcing the winners soon so keep an eye out for that. In the meantime here are a few closing remarks

  • __Write-up Contest__: Submit a write-up for any of this year's WxMCTF challenges by March 13th @ 11:59 PM (EST) for a chance to win discord nitro, among other prizes! Form link
  • __Problem Walk-through Requests__: Dying to know the solution of a problem you couldn't solve? Submit a walk-through request here
  • __Feedback__: If you haven't yet, be sure to fill out the feedback form so we can make this event even better! Form link

That's all for now. Thanks to everyone who participated! We couldn't have done this without you all :D

WxMCTF - Start!

TheGecko posted 7 months ago

Hey everyone, WxMCTF has officially started! You have until March 10th @ 19:00 EST to solve as many problems as you can. To begin, go here and click on join contest We'll be posting updates on our discord, join here.

That's all for now, best of luck everyone!

WxMCTF - Winners!

TheGecko posted 1 year, 7 months ago

Once again, great job to everyone who competed in WxMCTF! It has been a wild ride, but now, it's time to announce the winners!

Congratulations to the following teams for their performance in the open division:
1. youtiaos
2. duckrice404
3. coldboots

Congratulations to the following teams for their performance in the Ontario HS division:
1. Imagine being in grade 9
2. blobsad
3. LostCactus

We will start contacting the top 3 teams about prizes over the next few days. The final scoreboard (dynamic scoring applied) is available here: https://ctf.mcpt.ca/contest/wxmctf/scoreboard

Great job everyone!

WxMCTF - Writeup Contest + Updates

TheGecko posted 1 year, 7 months ago

Thank you for an amazing two weeks of WxMCTF! 🎉 We're super glad that people were able to have fun and improve their skills/knowledge. Just a few updates to wrap things up:

1. Scores: Scoring will be updated within the next 24 hours to reflect dynamic scoring (we're working on this) and once that is done, we'll upload the scoreboard to CTFtime and start sending messages/emails for prizes.

2. Writeup competition: We're offering 3 prizes of 1 month of Discord Nitro for best overall, funniest, and best unintended solution. To compete for Nitro, fill out this form by March 21, 2023 12:00 AM EST (in 6 days) https://forms.gle/iG1PGUdJXgSQNiw28
(Writeups are showoffs of your solving process/solution. You can find examples by googling "ctf writeup")

If you have any questions, email [email protected] or ask on our community Discord.

Best of luck everyone, and great job!

WxMCTF - 12 New Challenges!

TheGecko posted 1 year, 7 months ago

We are excited to announce that 12 new challenges have been added to the WxMCTF contest! You can find them here: https://ctf.mcpt.ca/contest/wxmctf/problems

Did you click the above link and get a 403 error? You may have not joined the contest!
Join here: https://ctf.mcpt.ca/contest/wxmctf
NOTE: If you've joined, your problems page should look like this:

On another note, almost all IP bans have been lifted! For those who were banned, please do not abuse our infrastructure again.

Good luck everyone, have fun hacking!

WxMCTF has begun!

TheGecko posted 1 year, 7 months ago

WxMCTF has begun! You should see a join button here. Once you're in, head to https://ctf.mcpt.ca/contest/wxmctf/problems to check out the problems :) Problems 1 and 2 of each category have been released. More problems will be released on a rolling basis.


Any problem that doesn't is NOT a part of WxMCTF will not count toward your score.

WxMCTF Problems

Be sure to check out our opening/information video.

DigitalOcean has also provided all participants with a $200, 60-day free trial of DigitalOcean credits! Claim yours here: https://try.digitalocean.com/developer-cloud

That's all for now. Be sure to join our discord for any updates. Good luck everyone!

WxMCTF is about to begin!

TheGecko posted 1 year, 7 months ago

Spanning from March 1st at 00:00 to March 13th at 23:59, we are excited to announce that MGCI and WLMAC have joined together to host the WxMCTF cybersecurity competition!

To register, create an account on this site. For Ontario high school students, in order to be eligible for prizes, you will need to register with your full name, student email address, school name, and a teacher contact for verification purposes. After creating or joining a team, when the contest starts, you will be able to join the contest as a team. A comprehensive step-by-step tutorial is available here.

In this capture the flag (CTF) contest, teams of up to 4 will battle it out with their skills in digital forensics, website and binary exploitation, reverse engineering, and cryptography! Intended for students of all experience types, the challenges are designed with a low barrier of entry to enable even first-time competitors to gain experience and knowledge in an enjoyable, cooperative way.

This contest is organized by WLMAC's Cybersecurity Club and MGCI's CTF Club. Our $2000 worth of prizes are generously given by DigitalOcean. All can participate, though prizes are only for teams entirely made up of Ontario high school students.

First Place: $1000 DigitalOcean credits ($250 per person)
Second Place: $500 DigitalOcean credits ($125 per person)
Third Place: $400 DigitalOcean credits ($100 per person)
All participants: $200, 60-day free trial of DigitalOcean credits

By participating in this contest, you agree to the following rules:

  • All decisions made by contest organisers are final.
  • Do not share any flags, solutions, or hints with other contestants.
  • You are free to use any materials you find on the internet.
  • Do not attack the judge infrastructure, other contestants, or the problem setters.
  • Tech support will be available on the MGCI CTF discord server; it is for technical issues, not hints.

For any questions, email [email protected] or join our community Discord.

LyonCTF Conclusion & Winners!

blackbox, Bit posted 2 years, 7 months ago

The LyonCTF competition has ended and we now have our winners!

  • In first place we have team white_flag from Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute with 5576 points and 34 flags captured.
  • In second place we have team dropouts from William Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate Institute with 5276 points and 33 flags captured.
  • In third place we have team pringles from William Lyon Mackenzie Collegiate Institute with 3851 points and 27 flags captured.

If you are on the winning teams, you should receive an email with prizes in the next few days.

Throughout the event 71 competitors in 27 different teams from 9 different schools attempted the 39 different challenges we had created. We hope you all learned something new from these challenges and the 5 lessons we ran.

If this event has ignited your interest in cybersecurity and CTFs, we encourage you to participate in the Carnegie Mellon picoCTF 2022 happening in March!

Also we would like to thank the Educational Computing Organization of Ontario for their support and stay tuned for LyonHacks, a hackathon run by MCPT and ECOO coming soon!

LyonCTF Update

blackbox, Bit posted 2 years, 8 months ago

We have two updates before the LyonCTF contest starts on Friday.

The first is that all competitors must have their full name, school, and school teacher contact set on their account for verification. School and teacher contact can be set in the edit profile page if not set already. If there are any issues with the name attached to your account, email us at [email protected] using the email address attached to your account. Make sure this information is set correctly on your account by Wednesday, February 16th at 11:59PM EST to be eligible for prizes!

The second update is that the prize pool sponsored by the Educational Computing Organization of Ontario have been increased to up to $300 to be split as follows:

  • First Place Team: $25 Amazon gift card per team member
  • Second Place Team: $20 Amazon gift card per team member
  • Third Place Team: $15 Amazon gift card per team member

Lastly, this is a reminder that all teams must be comprised of competitors from the same school and all competitors must be Ontario middle or high school students to be eligible for prizes.

LyonCTF Practice Contest

cheollie, areuie, skyflaren posted 2 years, 8 months ago

A quick reminder to register for LyonCTF before the event on Feb 18-21!

Don’t worry if you haven't done a CTF before, as there’ll be beginner workshops during the event. LyonCTF is open to all Ontario middle and high school students (not WLMAC exclusive) who are aged 13-18, so be sure to register yourself and bring along anyone else who qualifies! ..aand if that doesn’t convince you enough, there will also be $250 in prizes. Read more and register here

To help familiarise yourself with the website and learn about the CTF categories, there will also be a practice contest on Fri, Feb 11 @ 6pm to Sun, Feb 13 @ 6pm.

lyonctf practice contest banner


cheollie, blackbox, skyflaren, Bit posted 2 years, 8 months ago

Spanning from February 18th at noon to February 21st at noon, we are excited to announce the inaugural LyonCTF competition for all Ontario middle and high school students ages 13 to 18!

To register, create an account on this site with your full name, student email address, school name, and a teacher contact for verification purposes. To compete with up to 4 others from your school, create or join a team. A comprehensive step-by-step tutorial is available here.

In this capture the flag (CTF) cybersecurity contest, teams of middle and high school students across Ontario will battle it out with their skills in digital forensics, website and application exploitation, reverse engineering, and cryptography! Intended for students of all experience types, we have designed the challenges with a low barrier of entry to enable even first-time competitors to gain experience and knowledge in an enjoyable, cooperative way.

This contest is organized by the Mackenzie Computer Programming Team and $250 worth of prizes are generously sponsored by the Educational Computing Organization of Ontario. The contest organizer team can be found here.

You can read a detailed breakdown of Procedures, Rules, and Contacts here.

For any questions, email [email protected] or join our community Discord.

lyonctf banner


blackbox posted 2 years, 8 months ago

Welcome to mCTF, the open-source Capture the Flag platform developed and run by the Mackenzie Computer Programming Team. Capture the Flags are a kind of computer security competition where teams solve challenges in the areas of Cryptography, Computer Forensics, Reverse Engineering, Web Exploitation, and Binary Exploitation. On this site, you will be able to find problems of varying difficulties and subjects, as well as live contests! If you would like to learn more about CTFs or the CTF subjects, check out CTF 101.